Reflection, Reparation, Repentation, Rejuvination, and Recreation

Reflection, Reparation, Repentation, Rejuvination, and Recreation
Having fun on the Midnight Beast

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Apple Season

OK so yes it's been awhile since I really commented on my blog. Life is. While I'm thinking, I've just about hadit with that starving college students story about how that company 'life is good' got started. They're OK now, I won't be funding them anymore. I'll have my own starving college students soon enough. I'd be so lucky that my own would come up with their own pet rock and make us happy for the rest of our days...I guess as parents we never know...
It's (almost )fall now, the air has changed, the tomatoes are finally starting to ripen, the grass isn't growing as fast, nights are bearable, and from what I hear all that freakin rain we got earlier this year is gonna make for a great apple season. Apples fresh off the tree, the varieties, each with a different purpose and micro-season...the Big Apple is next on my list of places to go this week.
I shoulda been an apple farmer.
Maybe I still will.