Reflection, Reparation, Repentation, Rejuvination, and Recreation

Reflection, Reparation, Repentation, Rejuvination, and Recreation
Having fun on the Midnight Beast

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Good Pain

Finally doing PT, with Scott Taylor at New England Baptist Hospital in Dedham. Being a cyclist as well, he’s setting me on a good track to get back on it. Starting with stretches last week, already into some weight training to help me regain the core muscles that went to shit from underuse when I had to wear the chair back brace. So I’m already feeling a lot less stress in my core, and less pain!

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Back Update

Got my 3 month CT scan, doc says the vertebra is 'capping'on the outside, and that the softer inside will heal slower. Lucky I had no nerve or disc damage, or leg pain or weakness. Real lucky. I've lost about a half inch of height, and this injury didn't really help my sclerosis(?) and probably made it worse. The doctor will probably have me wean myself off the brace next few weeks, and start some PT, most of which I can do myself...I'm starting a spin program for myself, at the Y, easy spin for now, but intend to ramp up slowly throughout the winter and get back into dancing on the pedals, so when Spring comes, I can get back to it with some fitness. Still intend to go easy on the tech stuff and the taking chances thing. Maybe afford a gravel bike. It'll probably be a year or more before I can safely fall off my bike again....but, I'll be Back!

Monday, August 26, 2019

August 19, 2019. JRA at D Acres, Dorchester, NH Coming off a slick bridge, rear wheel slipped out and spun me around, my ass hitting the nicely hardened machine made trail T11 fractured. Been out of work for 7 days, it’s been 9 day since it happened. Saw Dr Stephen Johnson today. He’s a very well-known spine surgeon and a fellow moutainbiker. He said to let pain be my guide, that I didn’t need the brace , only for comfort. Since it causes me more pain than comfort, it’s off. 8-10 weeks I should be healed and pain free!