Reflection, Reparation, Repentation, Rejuvination, and Recreation

Reflection, Reparation, Repentation, Rejuvination, and Recreation
Having fun on the Midnight Beast

Sunday, May 23, 2010

La La No Mo

I have been notified that the music service 'LaLa' will be shut down May 31st. I'm sad about this, since I really liked the way I could embed a song here for free, and you could go to their site and listen to a whole album once for free. And the mp3 prices are much better than iTunes...
I'm sure that those three features themselves contributed much to the early demise of LaLa, though I really don't know the details.
So the face of this blog (and my other blog, 'thoughts on food' )will change slightly without the music players to entertain while you read. Oh well, thats progress...

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Church in the evening glow

Two rides in one perfect spring day!

Church in the morning light

Morning at the 'Y'