Reflection, Reparation, Repentation, Rejuvination, and Recreation

Reflection, Reparation, Repentation, Rejuvination, and Recreation
Having fun on the Midnight Beast

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Comments Needed! Blue Hills Resource Management Plan

Here is a fwd from Blue Hills decision-makers:

Dear Interested Citizen or Stakeholder,


As part of our agency's commitment to engaging the public in dialogue as part of our Resource Management Planning efforts, the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) recently provided you with notice of a public meeting we held the evening of July 29 regarding the Blue Hills Reservation.     


We were pleased to receive a significant amount of input from the audience at that meeting on how they use the facility, the aspects of it that are important to them, and the elements that they feel should be protected and how.  Public comment received at the meeting and subsequently highlights issues for our attention and is an important component of our planning process.


We have posted the presentation that was made by DCR that evening at  We encourage you to view the presentation and to provide us with your comments by emailing or calling 617-626-4974. 


Over the next several months, DCR will be preparing a draft plan for the Reservation, which we will post on the DCR website at, for public review and comment.  Then, in late 2009 or early 2010, we will hold a second public meeting, regarding which you will be notified, to obtain additional input on the draft plan.  As the final step in the Planning process, we anticipate submitting the proposed Blue Hills Resource Management Plan to the DCR Stewardship Council in early 2010 for their approval. 


We appreciate your interest and input. 





Paul Cavanagh

Resource Management Planner

Comments Needed! Blue Hills Resource Management Plan

Dear Interested Citizen or Stakeholder,


As part of our agency's commitment to engaging the public in dialogue as part of our Resource Management Planning efforts, the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) recently provided you with notice of a public meeting we held the evening of July 29 regarding the Blue Hills Reservation.     


We were pleased to receive a significant amount of input from the audience at that meeting on how they use the facility, the aspects of it that are important to them, and the elements that they feel should be protected and how.  Public comment received at the meeting and subsequently highlights issues for our attention and is an important component of our planning process.


We have posted the presentation that was made by DCR that evening at  We encourage you to view the presentation and to provide us with your comments by emailing or calling 617-626-4974. 


Over the next several months, DCR will be preparing a draft plan for the Reservation, which we will post on the DCR website at, for public review and comment.  Then, in late 2009 or early 2010, we will hold a second public meeting, regarding which you will be notified, to obtain additional input on the draft plan.  As the final step in the Planning process, we anticipate submitting the proposed Blue Hills Resource Management Plan to the DCR Stewardship Council in early 2010 for their approval. 


We appreciate your interest and input. 





Paul Cavanagh

Resource Management Planner