Last I noticed it was cold and rainy. Now it's getting into hot season again. I can't win. It seems that all I do is complain about the that's not true, we've had some real beauties, even this year. Today was one of them. Following a few real hot days(almost 100F on Friday) this morning was relatively cool, sunny, and not humid. Stephen and I went to Ames Nowell State Park first thing to (again)do our part along the trail. Just walking, this time. Malcolm, Dane, the Outreach guy from REI, and the new park super, John Singleton, were there to direct the group and get us pumped to get it done. Dane gave out some sweet new 'get dirty' T's and other schwag, and provided us with jo and donuts......
Stephen being the 8yo that he is brought his pondnet and critter-catching box(I did happen to mention to him that the park we were going to had a pond--one sure way to get him out of the house in a hurry..) So in between frog/turtle/snake/gosling sightings, we did manage to get some face-slappers trimmed back, some trash off the trail, and we pulled a perfectly good umbrella stroller out of the pond.
And it was a great morning to be ouside, even though S2 had to miss church, Mountain Bike Church was in session. Even without our bikes.