Thursday, March 7, 2013


Jones'n's* gettin the better of me. After a couple Blue Hills IPA's t the Fat Cat I decided that in the morning, I will mount my 18yo homebrew-studded Fisher Fattrax on the 'ol 26er and ride in whatever I may encounter. I guess that would require some documentation, so stay tuned for pix......

*def.  jones'n
To really crave something. Such as a food or drug that gives you pleasure or relief.

At least I got one ride in this week

Less free time  means less chances to ride....such is my life right now. Two jobs is good for the $$ but makes me get more creative with my time, but even when I do, energy levels are lower....
Anyways, I still rode one morning this week since saturday, and plan to at least hit the trainer tomorrow if not ride but the sh!ttty weather right now isn't promising much.
And the extra dough, some of it, squirreling away for bike-related ( new bike..) purchases and trailhead gas...
Then there's always the early-morning weekend ride.....trail or road doesnt much matter to the jones'n.....